Friday, April 3, 2015

The Effects Of Unemployment On Spousal Support In Virginia

Even in a healthy economy,customized bobbleheads,2010 Baseball World Series Betting, employment and income can be uncertain. And while Virginia is currently enjoying a relatively low unemployment rate,personalized bobbleheads, there is no guarantee that any individual is going to have the same job and level of income that they currently hold and enjoy.

Employment and income interruptions are often due to reductions in budgets,custom bobblehead,A Tennis Tournament Hat To Make Your Event Aces, workforce,personalized bobble heads, company layoffs or terminations which are never convenient for anyone,,, but what happens to your spousal support agreement when you lose your job?

A Virginia court of proper jurisdiction may consider a modification of an award of spousal support if there has been a �material change in the circumstances of the parties.� For example,personalized bobblehead, if the party that�s paying the support has been laid off under circumstances that are not of their own doing; or forced to take a leave of absence or is forced to resign due to an accident or catastrophic illness,custom bobbleheads, the court is likely allow a reduction or termination of the award.

The Virginia courts will use the following factors in determining whether or not they will grant a modification or termination of spousal support:

� Is there a material change in the circumstances of the parties,,? Note that the material change can also apply to the party who�s currently receiving the support.
� Did an event that the court originally anticipated not come to fruition, and,Create A Difference With Custom Clothing, if so,customized bobbleheads, was it the fault of the party filing the petition?
� Have the circumstances of the receiving party�s situation improved since the Virginia court granted the original award,The House Cleaning,.?

Alimony and spousal support agreements are generally determined based on the information that is available at the time of the divorce. When establishing these awards,custom bobbleheads, the Virginia courts strives to take into consideration all of the relevant information available.

Be aware that spousal support in NOT modifiable if you agreed to terms of spousal support in a property settlement agreement, unless the agreement itself specifies that the spousal support is modifiable. You also need to be aware that spousal support is not modifiable retroactively until you actually file the pleading in the proper court and serve the other party the pleadings.
If you�re paying spousal support in the Commonwealth of Virginia and you suffer any of the following events, you may qualify for a reduction or termination:

� Loss of Job
� Business Downturn
� Catastrophic Illness
� Car Crash
� Reduction in Employment (Reduced hours or position with lesser pay)
� Unexpected increase in expenses
-reduction in pay scale of more than 10%

Before attempting to file for a modification of spousal support through the Virginia courts, you should consult a qualified and experienced family law lawyer,custom bobblehead, who�s familiar with Virginia�s case law and applicable statutes.

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