Thursday, April 2, 2015

Airport Advertising In India An Entry Gate To The Indian Markets

Airport Advertising is a popular medium of launching new products and services and building the image of the brand in the Indian markets,Get Mac Repair And Save Your Computer,custom bobble head. The airports are a hub for affluent audiences and impressing them can be the big step in penetrating the markets in India. This is why the brands enthusiastically associate with Airport Advertising Agencies in India in order to reap the benefits are unique to this medium. This article analyzes the elements that have allowed the medium to rule the Outdoor Advertising India since 1986,Arrow Release With Mechanised Trigger Release Assist,personalized bobblehead.

Affluent Audience

A breakdown of airport audience segments done by Technopak Advisors (India) shows that 72% are the chief wage earners and 73% are frequent fliers (once in 3 months). Also,personalized bobble heads, the affluent target group is inclined towards SEC A and 25+ yrs age group. 52% of the audience does not mind spending on expensive brands and 59% love to buy new gadgets and appliances and designer labels. Such figures are enough to bring a gleam to the eyes of every advertiser. Even those shrouded in skepticism are soon convinced when they see the high Returns of Investment (RoI). The fact that a high number of key decision makers of various organizations are available to be influenced is one vital advantage of Airport Advertising. Such a congregation cannot be found in any other medium. Alliance with a company already established in the market can increase the conveniences. Indian markets,personalized bobble heads, specially have shown a demand for such alliances when new products and services are launched.

High Dwell Time

If you are imagining an audience looking at an Ad Site for durations as long as 55 minutes and 2 hours, you are thinking of an airport audience in India. Domestic flyers have a Dwell Time of 55 minutes and International flyers of 2 hours,customized bobbleheads. Thus, an Airport Ad has ample time to have the planned impact and pass the message of the ad copy with a bang. The Dwell Times you are looking at are among the best in all the mediums of Advertising,Magnanimously Untitled Article Vol. 3,customized bobbleheads.

Guaranteed Views

If the consensus of the audience is to be taken,custom bobblehead, it is generally agreed that unless a viewer is associated with the field of advertising,personalized bobblehead, he tries to avoid it in any form. Think about any common Indian household watching TV and remember the dexterity with which the mute or the channel swap button is pressed as soon as the ads start! In fact,customize bobblehead, in most of the mediums,custom bobbleheads, there are very convenient escape routes and the regular audiences of the medium develop an expertise in mapping them in a remarkably short period of time. This is where the Airport Advertising brings in a breather for the advertisers and publishers. An airport audience is not allowed to go out of the premises (except of course at time of emergency) once they have checked in. They have no escape route in this medium as they have to wait for 55 minutes in case of a domestic flight and 2 hours for an international flight.

Uncluttered Environment

Among the many things an airport cannot afford is a cluttered environment. For the functions of an airport to run smoothly,customize bobblehead, an organized and uncluttered surrounding is of utmost importance. Airport Ad Displays thus enjoy a visibility whose impact is not minimized or neutralized by a zillion other things around it.

With the introduction of low fare airlines,personalized bobbleheads,Fifa Soccer 10 Playing The Game, the range of target able segments has also increased in Airport Advertising in India. The medium is witnessing new brands that are joining the successful bandwagon of Airport Advertisers. Airports are the easiest places outside offices to find the ones with influence over the markets in India and advertising there is the means of extending the first greetings of your brand.

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