Saturday, April 25, 2015

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Did I tell you about my friend Fabio,Low Cost Putting Aids,custom bobblehead? For some strange reason he Removals Company moved from his native country of Italy to live in Britain,personalized bobble heads. I have commented before on how bizarre I found this but Fabio informed him that British women are very attractive. Bearing that in mind, I decided to let him know that I was attracted to him and I so wish I hadn�t. It wasn�t that he politely declined but after our fourth date I realised that whilst Italian men may be impeccably dressed and unbelievably gorgeous,Can I Buy Used Summer Wedding Dresses,custom bobblehead, they are flawed in their very own special way!

Fabio is no doubt Italian from head to toe. He looks Italian,Facebook Pages Used For Offline Marketing,custom bobbleheads, he sounds Italian and he has the unmistakable sophistication which comes with it. Our first two dates went very well. We went out to dine. Fabio informed me that there are only two true Italian restaurants in London and we ate at both. The food was delightful and the company was good. We ate,customize bobblehead, we drank and the relationship looked promising.

On the third date Fabio suggested we stay home! As we live together I found this to be a little strange but he said that maybe we could get a movie and have a chilled night. Resigned to a night on the sofa,personalized bobbleheads,Spring Junior Bridesmaid Dresses Trends, I bought two pizzas and a couple of bottles of white! Big mistake! Fabio arrived at the apartment at 7.30pm and clearly expected that I had cooked. He tried to pretend that he wasn�t disappointed but then threw in the odd remark like �My mother will teach you to cook�,custom bobblehead, because apparently that is all women can do!

After this experience I have decided to stay clear of all southern europeans from now on,customized bobbleheads. Perhaps British men are not so bad after all,personalized bobblehead.

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