Monday, June 22, 2015

World of Warcraft Gold Survey » The Golden Crusade


The 2013 survey has now concluded,personalized bobblehead, read the World of Warcraft 2013 Gold Report

Important,personalized bobblehead!

As of 2013 The World of Warcraft Wealth Survey will now be called The World of Warcraft Gold and Demographics Survey in an attempt to better suit the name to it’,Travel Bags - Rick Steves Travel Store,custom bobble head;s purpose,custom bobblehead.

The World of Warcraft Gold Survey is a project aimed at measuring the current economic status of players in World of Warcraft. The survey aims to identify the average players wealth,custom bobbleheads,Arena Junkies - World of Warcraft PvP Strategy and Discussion, wealth distribution,,, and trends including historical and correlation between wealth and the activities players participate in.

Get Notified

If you want to get notified when a new survey starts or when a report is published you can subscribe to my blog via feedburner to the left of the site. You can subscribe either by email or RSS and you will start getting posts on the site right in your inbox,custom bobblehead!

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the point of the survey,custom bobbleheads?

As stated in the opening this survey aims to gather information about the player base’s gold,custom bobblehead, analyze gold distribution, look for trends, and compare to past data (think inflation). This survey is simply to sate curiosity and provide a better look at what players have in their pockets. This survey is not associated with any organization, school, or formal study.

Why do you host it on your site and not something like SurveyMonkey?

While SurveyMonkey advertises free services they only include up to 100 responses, anything more than that and a paid subscription is needed. Since this is the only survey I do per year I’d need a subscription billed per month,Icy Veins - World of Warcraft News and Guides,,, and the only plan that offers that costs $25/month for 1000 responses and charges an additional $0.15 per response. If I had opted to use this for the 2012 survey which had 11,344 results collected,custom bobbleheads, I would have been set back $1576.60 (or $348.00 for a year of unlimited surveys) which is something I obviously would want to avoid. This leaves me with hosting the survey on my own domain which not only doesn’t cost me a cent but allows me greater control. Rest assured that results are still anonymous and no identifying information will be collected.

What can I do to help,personalized bobbleheads?

Completing the survey to the best of your ability is the best way to help. If you own a blog or run/contribute to a news site I’,World of Warcraft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,customize bobblehead;d love all the help I can get advertising the survey when it’,customized bobbleheads;s live,customize bobblehead.


2012: Report: World of Warcraft Gold Survey 2012

2011: Report: World of Warcraft Gold Survey 2011

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